A Practical (Software Engineering) Design Review Example

Liangjun Jiang
10 min readOct 28, 2020


When I worked for Ant Group (formerly known as Ant Financial and Alipay, an affiliate company of Alibaba Group), we focused on so much on design review. Before we start off a new feature, it has to be a design review documentation to detail everything. We use architecture diagram to illustration how micro-services interact with each other,

Architecture Digram — for illustration purpose

we also sequence diagram to illustrate how data flows among micro services.

sequence-diagram, for illustration purpose

We needed to detail each new data model, the meaning of each field; APIs including its request & response. If data needs to persist into database, it will be more strict and complete list to fill in . Not to mention about the possible security practice (more from business logic aspect), risk analysis and rollback, A/B test strategy and so on.

After the documentation, there will be a review meeting. When you present your design, related micro-services owners and test engineers (we call them quality engineers) will be the audience. They definitely don’t want your change affect their systems so they do pay close attention on what you have to say.

I guess one of the reason that we had to go through those rigid process is that payment system is monolithic and anything we add or modify is adding to/modifying the existing system. There is a good chance we might break what has been working if we don’t pay attention.

Also design review documentation mostly is written by senior team members but not always. Some design review documentation might be generated by less experience engineers but it seems the company like to use this way to let them grow quickly.

Switching back to work for US tech companies, I don’t see those kind of design review as much as I can see. I do see Request for Comment (RFC) is gaining some popularity in open source project world. For example, this is RFC template for popular frontend framework Vue.js. From my limited experience, for bigger project, or new project, we rely on architecture to give a big picture how the system could be made ofI observed that we used Sprint planning to talk about new features. We trust team members’ experience and expertise to implement certain feature.

Without a design review documentation, I often see what has been implemented is quite different from what I thought this feature could have been implemented. And since it has been implemented, it turned out be much more difficult to change the course.

For this reason, I want to show one of my design review documentations for open source project: Datahub. This documentation is about implementation of column-level (or field level or attribute-level) lineage.

You can always check out a better render version here: RFC: column-level lineage


While datahub currently is supporting table-level lineage as a dataset’s aspect. There is a strong need to get column-level lineage. This RFC will discuss what’s column-level lineage to build a consensus about a particular problem to solve. Then we break down how to build a column-level lineage graph representation in terms of new relationship needed. In the end, we come up with data model proposal, and related changes.


While datahub currently is supporting table-level lineage as a dataset’s aspect. There is a strong need to get column-level lineage. Related issues are

  1. when does Fine grain lineage feature come out? #1649
  2. dataset field level Lineage support? #1519
  3. add lineage workflow schedule support #1615

Detailed design

A sample illustration of this column-level lineage as:

If we look at the right part of this screenshot. We notice that

table INSERT-SELECT-1 came from table orders and customers

theoid, cid, ottl, sid columns of INSERT-SELECT-1 were from ones of orders table

the cl and cem columns of INSERT-SELECT-1 were from ones of customers table.

there are more tables on the right, small_orders, medium_orders, large_orders and special_orders are derived from INSERT-SELECT-1

Below this INSERT-SELECT-1, there is another lineage representation cases following the similar fashion.

Now we look at the left part of this screenshot. We notice how the SQL statement is used to generate the target table, and how the columns in the target table are derived from the source tables.

In this design review, I think we need to address two important issues:

  1. How should we modify or create Dataset's Upstream.pdl to support column level lineage. To make it easier to understand, the current Upstream.pdl look like (deleted code comment for abbreviation)
import com.linkedin.common.DatasetUrn

record Upstream {
auditStamp: AuditStamp
dataset: DatasetUrn
type: DatasetLineageType

2. How could we provide sample script (python like) so end-user would use it to parse their sql statement easily, and ingest MCE message so Datahub could pick them up.

Column-level Lineage Design

@clojurians-org has used Uber’s QueryParser to do the following work, and help me understanding how the column-level lineage should be generated from a SQL statement. I think it’s worth to bring it up right now to help us model the column-level lineage aspect.

In a simplified select-insert SQL statement


Interpreting this SQL statement, we understand

  1. there are two databases: ODS and TMP
  2. table TFVDM1 of database TMP is from FVS of ODS (t for abbr.)
  3. t has three columns appeared, HDATASRC1, CPC and LARLUO
  4. cpc and larluo have been turned into TFVDM1's columns.

These analysis will help us understand the following Query Parser result. After running QueryParser's analysis (initial script is developed), it will generate a JSON representation of column level lineage as two parts:

  1. TFVDM1 is from FVS based on FVS's column HDATASRC1 constraint;

Note: to represent column level lineage, it might not be necessary to show what query constraint has been used. It might not be shown on graph representation because this hdatasrc1 doesn't appear in the target tfvdm1 table. However, it is nice to have this information.

"Left": {
"fqtnTableName": "tfvdm1",
"fqtnDatabaseName": "tmp",
"fqtnSchemaName": "tfvdm1"
"columns": [
"fqcnSchemaName": "fvs",
"fqcnDatabaseName": "ods",
"fqcnTableName": "fvs",
"fqcnColumnName": "hdatasrc1"
"tables": [
"fqtnTableName": "fvs",
"fqtnDatabaseName": "ods",
"fqtnSchemaName": "fvs"
  1. Columns in target tfvdm1 table in relationship to columns in source fvs table

from the following, we understand that the cpc column of target tfvdm1 table is from cpc and hdatasrc1 columns of source fvs table.

"Right": {
"fqcnSchemaName": "tfvdm1",
"fqcnDatabaseName": "tmp",
"fqcnTableName": "tfvdm1",
"fqcnColumnName": "cpc"
"columns": [
"fqcnSchemaName": "fvs",
"fqcnDatabaseName": "ods",
"fqcnTableName": "fvs",
"fqcnColumnName": "cpc"
"fqcnSchemaName": "fvs",
"fqcnDatabaseName": "ods",
"fqcnTableName": "fvs",
"fqcnColumnName": "hdatasrc1"
"tables": []

and, in similar fashion

"Right": {
"fqcnSchemaName": "tfvdm1",
"fqcnDatabaseName": "tmp",
"fqcnTableName": "tfvdm1",
"fqcnColumnName": "larluo"
"columns": [
"fqcnSchemaName": "fvs",
"fqcnDatabaseName": "ods",
"fqcnTableName": "fvs",
"fqcnColumnName": "hdatasrc1"
"fqcnSchemaName": "fvs",
"fqcnDatabaseName": "ods",
"fqcnTableName": "fvs",
"fqcnColumnName": "larluo"
"tables": []

Dataset has an aspect of SchemaMetadata. In the SchemaMetadat, the fields property is where we can use to store column information.

Establish a relationship between a dataset and its fields

firstly, we need to establish a relationship between dataset and its fields. Let's call it hasField for right now.

In the neo4j, the expected graph representation would look like:

disclaimer: I am not a neo4j expert, or actually know too much about it.

To have this new relationship, a few files would be changed. We can use this Onboarding to GMA Graph — Adding a new relationship type as the reference for the implementation detail.

2. Establish a relationship between a field of a source dataset and a field of target dataset.

Let’s call it derivedBy for right now In the neo4j, the expected graph representation would look like:

there is typo in this graph. We actually mean derivedBy In this diagram, the bottom is source dataset with its fields, the top is target dataset with its fields. The new relationship derivedBy illustrated how different column in target is generated.

Here are a few more notes:

  1. BaseRelationship.pdl only supports Urn for source and destination right now. It won't work while we plan to use SchemaField as source or destination. Apparently, it won't make sense to lift SchemaField as the first class entity, so derivedFrom probably should be inherits from BaseRelationship
  2. Current code base has contains relationship, but seems it has not gotten used. I assume it can be used for the hasField relationship defined earlier. If we do so, the SchemaField just has to treated and modified as first class entity.

Relationship Implementation

Mentioned earlier, I have proposed two new relationships:

  1. HasField - the relationship between a dataset and its schemaFields.
@pairings = [{
"destination" : "com.linkedin.schema.Urn",
"source" : "com.linkedin.common.urn.DatasetUrn"
record HasField includes BaseRelationship {

2 DerivedBy - the relationship between a dataset's schemaField and its parent's schemaField.

@pairings = [{
"destination" : "com.linkedin.common.urn.Urn",
"source" : "com.linkedin.common.urn.Urn"
record DerivedBy includes BaseRelationship {

Aspect Implementation

The next step is to create new aspect for dataset, named FinegrainUpstreamLineage.pdl. For simplicity, it has one property,

record FineGrainUpstreamLineage {
upstreams: array[FineGrainUpstream]

I also created a FineGrainUpstream model, it looks like

record FineGrainUpstream {
auditStamp: AuditStamp
dataset: DatasetUrn
fields: array[FineGrainFieldUpstream]

The FineGrainFieldUpstream model is also new, it looks like this:

record FineGrainFieldUpstream {
sourceField: string
targetField: string

To compare the existing table-level lineage

FineGrainUpstreamLineage → UpStreamLineage FineGrainUpstream → UpStream FineGrainFieldUpstream (new) → n/a

Relationship Builder Implementation

The next steps to implement graph builder with metadata-builders.

  1. we want to build the graph between a dataset and its fields. We name it HasFieldBuilderFromSchemaMetadata.

SchemaMetadata is an existing model

public class HasFieldBuilderFromSchemaMetadata  extends BaseRelationshipBuilder<SchemaMetadata> {  public HasFieldBuilderFromSchemaMetadata() {
public <URN extends Urn> List<GraphBuilder.RelationshipUpdates> buildRelationships(@Nonnull URN urn,
@Nonnull SchemaMetadata schemaMetadata) {
if (schemaMetadata.getFields() == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<HasField> list = new ArrayList();
for (SchemaField field : schemaMetadata.getFields()) {
try {
list.add(new HasField().setSource(urn).setDestination(new Urn(urn.toString() + ":" + field.getFieldPath())));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return Collections.singletonList(new GraphBuilder.RelationshipUpdates(

As you can see here, we create a urn based on the dataset urn and schemaField

  1. we want to build the graph between a dataset’s field and the field being derived in another dataset.
public class DerivedByBuilderFromFineGrainUpstreamLineage extends BaseRelationshipBuilder<FineGrainUpstreamLineage>  {
public DerivedByBuilderFromFineGrainUpstreamLineage() {
public List<GraphBuilder.RelationshipUpdates> buildRelationships(@Nonnull Urn urn, @Nonnull FineGrainUpstreamLineage upstreamLineage) {
if (upstreamLineage.getUpstreams().isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<DerivedBy> list = new ArrayList(); for(FineGrainUpstream stream: upstreamLineage.getUpstreams()) {
for(FineGrainFieldUpstream fieldUpStream: stream.getFields()) {
try {
list.add(new DerivedBy()
.setSource(Urn.createFromString(stream.getDataset().toString() + ":" + fieldUpStream.getSourceField()))
.setDestination(Urn.createFromString(urn.toString() + ":" + fieldUpStream.getTargetField())));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return Collections.singletonList(new GraphBuilder.RelationshipUpdates(list, REMOVE_ALL_EDGES_FROM_SOURCE));

pay attention on how the source urn is set in .setSource(Urn.createFromString(stream.getDataset().toString() + ":" + fieldUpStream.getSourceField())) and destination urn is set in setDestination(Urn.createFromString(urn.toString() + ":" + fieldUpStream.getTargetField())

The base BaseRelationshipBuilder defines there is an urn always pointing to the dataset having this [FineGrainUpstreamLineage] relationship aspect. And this urn is the destination of upstream lineage.

The final step, we register these two relationship builders with DatasetGraphBuilder

Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<BaseRelationshipBuilder>() {
add(new DownstreamOfBuilderFromUpstreamLineage());
add(new HasFieldBuilderFromSchemaMetadata());
add(new OwnedByBuilderFromOwnership());
add(new DerivedByBuilderFromFineGrainUpstreamLineage());

How we teach this

This implementation supports features

  1. relationship between a dataset and its fields
  2. relationship between a dataset and the other dataset (already available)
  3. relationship between a dataset field derived by one or more fields.

In this Neo4j graph presentation,

  1. dataset c_bar_13 has fields of bar131, bar132, bar133 and col134;
  2. p_foo_13 dataset has fields of foo131, foo132, foo133, and foo134
  3. ‘p_2_foo_13` dataset has fields of 2_foo131, 2_foo132, 2_foo133, and 2_foo134
  4. dataset c_bar_13 is downstream of p_foo_13 and p_2_foo_13
  5. bar131 of c_bar_13 is derived by foo131 and 2_foo131
  6. bar 132 of c_bar_13 is derived by foo132 and 2_foo132


Because SchemaField is not a first-class entity in Datahub, the current Neo4jGraphWriterDao only supports the first class entity by enforcing [validation rule] implemented by RelationshipValidator

In the other word, the validator looks at the source and target of a pair of relationship:

  1. whether it is a Urn
  2. whether it is a registered Urn (first class entity)

I did the following two hacks

  1. remove this relationship validator.
  2. create a SchemaField urn on the fly by combining the dataset it belongs to and its field path. (more details later)


I have not looked at other alertnatives. I probably should have looked at how Apache Atlas solves the column-level lineage problem.

Rollout / Adoption Strategy

Since this implemetation introuces a new aspect:FineGrainUpstreamLineage for dataset, it won't affect the existing aspects of a dataset. To adopte this new feature, a related sample MCE message is included bootstrap_mce.dat Also, sample rest API requests in postman format is added under contrib folder.

Unresolved questions

  1. Scripts to auto-extract column mapping between source and destination
  2. Assemble into a MCE message



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